Import CSV and import Geo (kml, GPX) to 3ds MAX

Importing data to 3ds max is fundamental to try to reproduce the real world in3d environment.

I made two scripts spline CSV IO (Import/Export) and Import Geo.

Install: Copy files to <MAXdir>/scripts/startup
Use: go to “utilities” tab (hammer) –> MAXscripts->Utilities


This script import  Geographic coordinates  (longitude,latitude and Altitude). The coordinates are decimal format (40.446195, -79.948862)  Altitude is in meters.

KML Path
Import a  Path from Google Earth. The file is a kml format.
After import the script recenter the coordinates to center of max. For the first import  the script creates an object called “TRACK_CENTER_MESH”. This object  don’t  have points only stores the center and  can be used for others imports. Can hide the object or move to a layer.

Motec CSV
Import csv from motec i2 software.
skip points: GPS devices collect too many points near each other. With this parameter you can jump the amount of points.

“Don’t calculate Center”:  Don’t  calculate the new center. The center is store in “TRACK_CENTER_MESH”.

  Define the spline parameters.


Script page

Update note: Remove the file “checkMachineID.mse” from “(MAXDIR)\script\startup” is not necessary anymore. After install and remove the file “checkMachineID.mse” restart MAX.

1.8 changes:
– Can import Lines Shapes in KML, CSV and GPX with Geographic  coordinates (Long.  Lat.  Altitude).
– Import tiles Satellite images from SASPlanet. Can import tiles size of 1024×1024 to get a sharp image in max.
– Can import multi images in  a folder

All geographical coordinates are centered max. So all geographic contents (images and paths) are aligned correctly between them.



Spline CSV Import/Export

This scrip import/Export regular CSV files. Are text files with columns of data separated by commas, semicolon or spaces.

Import Spline
Z value: If checked this is the  Z value of all  spline. (flat)
Delimited char: Is the character used for separation columns.

Export Splines
Select splines and press “Get Selected Splines”
Axis: check  axis to export



Script page


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