Move to Surface

Tool Updated ! Go to new MOVE TO SURFACE page This tool can move Points and objects to a surface very fast, It is ideal for massive jobs with large amounts of points or objects. Create Ground Mesh Can create ground mesh from selected objects. Selected objects will be attached and welded all points.The default… Continue reading Move to Surface


MMtools The MMtools is a set of tools for generic use in 3ds MAX. List of tools: Align, Node tools, Move2SPLINE, Move2POINTS, Move2SURFACE, RANDOM, PATH tool, UVW from mesh, Create Lines f/Objects, BOOLEAN, PIVOT and ClibBoard Points. Download and install ( The download  is only available after donation. ) How to install: (Don’t copy the… Continue reading MMTools

Categorized as MaxScript


The script moves vertex from one object1 to object2. If is outside of Minimum Snap Distance creates vertex when needed (MAX cut operation). Options and Functions. Object 1 and Object 2 [ < Pick Object 1 > ]: Pick the object 1.– The Objecet must be a Editabled Poly with no EditPolys modifiers.– The Object… Continue reading StichPoly

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UVW from mesh in MMTools

This tool get UV coordinates from source surfaces (mesh) and set to selected objects (destination). The tool will create a Unwrap UVW modifier with UV coordinates from source surfaces.  

Script pack MMTools update

+ SplineTrackmaker 1.3b + MMtools (point tools) 2.2o + ImportGEO 2.0d Download  in New file added  and install fixed.  

Categorized as MaxScript

ImportGeo script new version 2.0d

+Update kml import.  More  compatibility  support and  can  import  multi lines. Download ImportGEO 2.0d This script require  a register file to work.  More info…here

Categorized as MaxScript

Maxscript code Snippets

Put material to scene: for myobj in selection do myobj.material = copy myobj.material Center pivot for selected objects: for myobj in selection do centerpivot myobj  

Categorized as MaxScript